Bangladesh has a specific pre-registration process, that needs to be done prior to being able to execute messages towards their end customers.
Pricing and plans can be discussed with your account managers prior to initiating the registration process
Sender ID registration will take 4-5 working days in cases of both Du and Etisalat.
All Sender IDs in messages sent to Bangladesh Citycell (47005) will be changed to a local Number (in international format) to ensure message delivery, as the network is heavily filtering on Sender IDs. For all other networks alphanumeric senders are supported but numeric senders maybe changed to a local numeric
Message restrictions
The networks are also heavily filtering on spam and keywords such as "police" will block messages from being delivered.
Domestic* Clients: This refers to clients requesting for messaging services within the country they are based out of. Example: Bangladeshi client, requesting for termination of messages toward their Bangladeshi audience.
International** Clients: This refers to clients requesting for messaging services outside the country they are based out of. Example: Indian client, requesting for termination of messages toward their Bangladeshi audience.
Please find attached below the Documents that needs to be submitted for Domestic clients. This is mandatory before you send any messages towards Bangladesh.